We are open for business, we would be happy to provide you with an estimate. We at Saber are practicing physical distancing at this time.
Sump Pits in Winnipeg and Surrounding Areas
Depending on where you reside in Manitoba, sump pits are often viewed as a necessary component of the home. Ensure your property is prepared for the worst by calling in Saber Industries Inc. We sell industry-tough residential and commercial sump pits built with our own patented design. Saber sump pits are durable and smaller than most versions, allowing for shallow access installation. Call us today to find out more.
In 1997, Saber Industries Inc. invented and patented a perforated sump pit which is designed to act like a well under basement floor slabs. It is designed to reduce excess water content under floor slabs and help prevent an upward movement of a basement floor. This product is available throughout Canada and the United States of America. It can also be used to lower radon gas inside buildings.

Fun Fact
Did you know that there are SIX Saber sump pits installed into the Statue of Liberty?
What is Radon Gas?
Radon occurs when the uranium contained within the rocks and soil underneath our homes begins to breakdown. This gas can enter our property through foundation cracks, crevices and drains. Any below ground structure may collect radon gas, which occupies the lowest portion of your building before creeping up into your rooms where it eventually enters your furnace or air systems, infecting the entire building.
​ Radon is invisible, tasteless and odorless
​ Radon gas exposure causes cancer
​ Radon levels vary depending on the season
​ 1 in 15 homes have dangerous gas levels
​ Systems can be installed to eliminate the threat
Our Radon Solution
Protect your property from this radioactive gas threat with the radon venting system of our code-approved sump pits. Our pits collect the empty gas before pumping it out safely, making your air and environment safer.
Our projects
Fort Collins, Colorado
Saber Canada /Unipar USA delivers code approved Radon Sump Pit Systems to Fort Collins, Colorado where our sealed Saber Sump Pit venting system reduced the Radon levels from 66.0 to 1.6. Radon tolerance is 4.0.